Eyebrow wigs - how to choose suitable ones

Wigs eyebrows are a perfect solution for those who have little or thinning or no eyebrows due to chemotherapy, stress, alopecia, or over-harvesting eyebrow wigs. Free and confidential private consultation is available to determine the size and color of your wig eyebrows. All applications are treated with sensitivity and respect to your personal situation eyebrow wigs.

How many hours a day can wear eyebrow wigs. We recommend that you remove each night. The adhesive is very strong and your skin needs soothing cream at night to moisturize and soften the skin in the forehead area eyebrow wigs.

What eyebrow wigs color is best for me. Try to match the color of the front of your hair color. If you have dark we suggest a black wig hair wig to match or slightly lighter than your hair color. If you find a wig is too light, you can always use a cosmetic to darken. A wig is too dark is not easily clear due to chemicals in the mesh network decompose back eyebrow wigs.

How can I remove adhesive from my wigs eyebrows. Adhesive build up in wigs eyebrows can be removed gently "roll" the adhesive off - starts in the nearest wig nose part. The last bit of the adhesive can be removed from the mesh wig using alcohol. Do not use strong solvents such as nail polish remover to clean your wigs because they can break the web and mesh eyebrow wigs.

Can I use my eyebrow wigs in the shower or pool. Do not use your wigs eyebrows in the shower or when swimming. The adhesive that holds the wig waterproof skin with water - but the adhesive with the same wig set is not waterproof eyebrow wigs.

What are wigs made eyebrows. Eyebrow wigs are made of 100% human hair. Each hair is attached by hand to a good web mesh. The hair is knotted around the mesh and combed into place.

Can you see the web mesh eyebrow wigs times apply. You can not see the mesh after applying the adhesive and place the wig on your skin. People who watch closely will think they see the individual hairs coming out of the pores.

My hair before. Do you recommend eyebrow wigs for me. It depends on where your hair is in front. If lack of large surfaces, either at the front or rear of the front face of the wig can then be cut and a part of the wig attached. If you have hair before happening throughout the wig adhesive may stick in the front hair and potentially be started when the wig is removed. Probably a model against dust and would be appropriate for you eyebrow wigs.

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