How to pencil in eyebrows

How to pencil in eyebrows. having manicured eyebrows meets your makeup. A common way to prepare is by using eyebrow pencil eyebrows.

Make sure your eyebrows are groomed to start. This means ensuring that there is no random hairs above or below the eyebrows. This will make the best final product. You can accomplish this by waxing or tweezing.

how to pencil in eyebrows.
Choose the right shade. It is essential to have the right color for your natural color. The worst thing is to see someone with blonde hair and dark brown eyebrows! Choose a shade of pencil that is lighter than your hair color (no more than two tons). It may seem silly to choose a color that is not the natural color, but the purpose of an eyebrow pencil is filling in the sparse areas. No need to use a very dark color to achieve. Color of satisfaction for all shades of eyebrow hair is a light brown color.

Sharpen your pencil. You can buy an eyebrow pencil crayon cheap in any pharmacy. Do not make a clean break, but enough to get a thin border.

Fill in your forehead slightly, working from the inside to the outer corner. Use small, light strokes. Do not press so hard that you can see the actual lines where the pencil was applied. Work all the way to the outer corner.

Make sure there are no burrs. If this is the case, you can remove them by taking a cotton swab dipped in eye makeup remover and gently wipe away the errors.

If desired, use an eyebrow brush to comb eyebrows pencil and mix again. It is not necessary but may help the overall appearance. Taking a front brush, working from the inside towards the outside of the angle, similar to the application of the pen. Use small, light strokes how to pencil in eyebrows.

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