High eyebrows - rise them now !

If you fumble while plucking the eyebrows or just not start at all, you may end up a perpetual "Who me?" surprised look on his face or even a "unibrow," high eyebrows where the meeting each hair of the eyebrows through the nose high eyebrows.

But the good high eyebrows can make everyone happy peaceful world, relaxed and sexy look, the director and designer eyebrows waxed in the salon and spa in New York AVON said Eliza Petrescu. She has appeared on Good Morning America to perform some transformations and eyebrow from some basic tips in grooming high eyebrows.

Too close to the eyebrows high eyebrows. Sometimes called "unibrow", what happens when hairs eyebrows are deflected until they meet above the nose, giving the appearance of a long eyebrow This will make the face look tired, sad, angry and unkempt, Petrescu said. These hairs must be plucked or waxed professionally high eyebrows.

Map it Out: Determine how you want your high eyebrows to be the space between the eyebrows, the end of the eyebrow, and greet. The space between eyebrows must be equal to or slightly less than the width of the eye. Hold a pencil parallel to each side of the eyebrows nose. The inner edge of each eyebrow should start above the nostril. You can draw a line to guide you in the first place. Remember: do not be too hard between the high eyebrows.

To determine the end of the eyebrow, eyebrow pencil keep diagonally from the nostril following the outer edge of the eye. Extend the pencil at the end of your eyebrow. This is the correct length of the front high eyebrows. To find the arc, hold the pencil parallel to the outside edge eyebrows of the iris, the upper part of the vault. See geometrically forehead, as if it was divided into four parts. The first three quarters should be directed upwards, the last quarter down high eyebrows.

Cut Before Tweezing: Always cut high eyebrows before waxing. For cutting, brush brows upward with a spiral brow brush. While brushing, hold a pair of scissors curved eyebrows on the other hand, trimming the hairs protruding from the brush high eyebrows. Remember, before the hair is longer than the front face is thicker near the nose, and shorter than the face is thinner. Brush the insides of three-quarters of the front face, and brush the quarter final section at an inclination to avoid cutting too short high eyebrows.

Tweeze symmetrically: If you are a beginner high eyebrows, use tweezers inclined. Experienced pickers can use the pointed kind. Waxing should be done after a shower, when the skin is soft. Do it the natural light, and the first to apply the toner. Brush brows with a brush, and keep the clamps from the center. Keep the skin with the other hand and gently stretch. Put the tweezers close to the skin near the hairline.

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