Eyebrow arch - the best way

Learn eyebrow arch your face type can be a bit difficult. Many people start a business; However, eyebrows determinant is simple. Discover the importance of a good shape and all the different ways to remove unwanted hair so that you can perfect your eyebrows at home eyebrow arch.

Measurement of the front inside. The inside of your forehead, eyebrow arch the starting point must be in the right place to help shape your face and brighten your eyes. Avoid the appearance of a unibrow start their close eyebrows, making little or go too far eyebrow arch.

Keep an eyebrow pencil or tweezers vertically aligned with the inner corner of the eye eyebrow arch. The intersection of this line and your brow is where your brow should begin. This line should be near the bridge of the nose, and must not go. When you find the ideal starting point eyebrow arch, make a mark with your eyebrow pencil.

Finding the right length. Although some people have longer, fuller eyebrows, while others have short, sparse eyebrows, eyebrow is a perfect length that applies to everyone eyebrow arch.

Take your eyebrow pencil or tweezers to make another measurement. Start one end of the pencil in the corner of the nose, the alignment with the outer corner of the eye eyebrow arch. Place the pencil extends beyond the edge of the eye is for you eyebrow length eyebrow arch. Check with your eyebrow pencil.

Find your message. Line up the pencil on the corner of the nostril and the center of where your student would if you were looking straight ahead. The extension of the pencil on your brow is where your arch should be eyebrow arch.

This should be equivalent to about ¾ of the way the eyebrow starting point. Your bow should not be in the middle or towards the end of the eyebrow arch. This form will give the illusion of surprise or boredom. Your bow should always have a natural curve, not an acute angle eyebrow arch.

Create the right way. Use an eyebrow pencil to fill the entire front of your starting and ending points. Follow the natural thickness of your eyebrow arch, but feel good if they are too thick or too thick to your liking eyebrow arch.

Fill eyebrows before removing the hair will help you not to remove too much, and be more aware of the way. Want your eyebrows are at least as wide as three-stroke lead pencil eyebrow arch. Too thin, and they will not be able to frame your face.

Remove the extra hair. Using angular grippers, pull your hair off your face shape. Avoid pulling too much above, as they can dramatically change the shape and angle, making them weak. Instead, start at the outer edges of the lower eyebrow arch.

Hair pulling from the base to avoid just break the top of the pile. Tweeze hairs in the center of the eyebrows above the nose, to eliminate the possibility of a unibrow. Do not forget to get the, soft, fluffy hair that often covers the upper eyelid. This can give the appearance of wild eyebrows if not removed.

Cut your eyebrows. Using a small pair of eyebrows or hair scissors, cut the tops of the hairs that protrude above the natural top of your forehead.

Normally, the hair near the center of the face grow and may need to be cut to match the height of the forehead. If your eyebrows are very rebellious and long eyebrow arch, use an eyebrow comb or hair brush brush spooly then cut longer. Do not cut too much hair, as this can lead to irregular hair lines eyebrows. Only if you cut your hair too long eyebrow arch.

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